At Soul Whiskey, we believe in reaching deep levels of transformation and reflection. One of the ways that we’ll do this is through our 1:1 Intensive Coaching opportunity. We will come to you. We’ll shadow you as you exist in your daily world to gain perspective and understanding of how you function. In this extended session, we’ll dive deep to determine the root of your problems and find long-lasting, permanent solutions. Most 1:1 Intensive Sessions consist of deep, personalized coaching lasting 1 hour, meeting once a week. These sessions take place remotely to cater to clients anywhere in the world. No matter where you are, we can create a powerful coaching relationship.

For a deeper, more intense experience, she offers a specialized service. For 48 hours, Tifané will be at your side from when you wake up to when you go to bed. She’ll watch how you interact with your family, coworkers, subordinates, waitstaff, or anyone you come in contact with throughout the day and understand how you’ve been attracting what you’re currently experiencing. Then Tifané will develop a plan to sift your point of attraction so that what you want will begin wanting you. She’ll observe your style of communication. She’ll teach you EVERYTHING that you radiant, everything that you say or do is currently a boomerang headed straight back towards you. Tifané knows that it takes an outside perspective to help you see the backside of your head. She specializes in shining the light into the shadows, in clearing all that obscures your vantage point. Once you can see clearly, there will be nothing that can keep you from achieving your goals.

climbing mountain

coaching concept

Throughout our time together, we will develop strategies and tools you can use daily to keep the momentum moving in the direction you want it to move. This practice is intended to make a quantifiable difference in a few days rather than the same amount of progress over several months. We will supply you with the tools to continue with your personal growth after our time is over.